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sábado, 21 de setembro de 2013

A World Without Water - TDF - 30 ótimos documentários (vídeos) sobre o MEIO AMBIENTE - 21

A World Without Water - 2006

As less and less water is available, you have yet another problem being added and that is the problem of privatization.
There are companies now saying why don’t we bottle it, mine it, divert it, sell it, commodify it. That greed of privatization, I believe, will be much worse than climate change and everything else that has left us with the
water crisis.
The world is running out of its most precious resource. True Vision’s timely film tells of the personal tragedies behind the mounting privatisation of water supplies.
More than a billion people across the globe don’t have access to safe water. Every day 3900 children die as a result of insufficient or unclean water supplies. The situation can only get worse as... read more on TDF

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