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quarta-feira, 31 de janeiro de 2018

Ten Years of Knowledge Sharing for Disaster Risk Reduction - "Mudanças Climáticas, o assunto mais importante e urgente do mundo" 3

Leia uma explicação para esta série de posts clicando aqui.

- Pesquisando no site oficial do IISD encontrei a matéria abaixo sobre um sistema de troca de informações dos mais inteligentes sobre a ocorrência de cataclismos que está comemorando seus dez anos de existência.

(- Não sabe o que significa IISD?)

- Se você reside numa área de risco este assunto com toda a certeza lhe interessa, não?

Fernando Costa 

Leia uma explicação para esta série de posts clicando aqui.

-  Ten Years of Knowledge Sharing for Disaster Risk Reduction


PreventionWeb’s knowledge base contains over 38,000 content entries, and is launching new features today as it celebrates its tenth anniversary.

A new feature permits community members to create and share content collections, highlighting important resources on a topic of interest.

From catastrophic monsoon flooding to record-breaking hurricanes, the recent spate of extreme weather events is a stark reminder of the daunting human and economic costs of disasters. As small islands states know all too well, a cyclone can wipe away years of development efforts in a matter of hours. If we are to achieve the SDGs, we must reduce disaster risk and increase resilience.

Promoting risk-informed development and supporting the work of disaster risk reduction (DRR), development and humanitarian professionals is at the heart of PreventionWeb’s mission, the global knowledge sharing platform for DRR. Launched in 2007 by the UN Office for Disaster Risk Reduction (UNISDR), today the platform celebrates its..LINK

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