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quinta-feira, 10 de outubro de 2013

- And so to SEA. - Pericles, Prince of Tyre - Shakespeare and the SEA 10

Leia (em português) uma introdução a esta série de 30 posts, clicando aqui.


"Brief, he must hence depart to Tyre:
His queen with child makes her desire —
Which who shall cross? — along to go:
Omit we all their dole and woe:
Lychorida, her nurse, she takes,
And so to SEA. Their vessel
On Neptune’s billow; half the flood
Hath their keel cut: but fortune’s mood
Varies again; the grisled north
Disgorges such a tempest forth,
That, as a duck for life that dives,
So up and down the poor ship drives:
The lady shrieks, and well-a-near
Does fall in travail with her fear:
And what ensues in this fell storm
Shall for itself itself perform."


William Shakespeare

Leia (em português) uma introdução a esta série de 30 posts, clicando aqui.

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