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domingo, 22 de setembro de 2013

Shift: Beyond the Numbers of the Climate Crisis - 2013 - TDF - 30 ótimos documentários (vídeos) sobre o MEIO AMBIENTE - 22

Shift: Beyond the Numbers of the Climate Crisis - 2013

What is climate change? For many, it sparks images of polar bears on melting ice caps, rising oceans, and polluting smokestacks. We easily ignored the changing climate when it just led to these distant problems, but now we’re experiencing the effects of climate change firsthand. The dots are being connected. These super-storms, droughts, wildfires, they’re getting worse and more frequent because of climate change. This isn’t going to be a film about the
daunting facts behind climate change, the ones we feel like we don’t have any control over.
However, it is important to note that the US ranks second among global emissions producers. They produce 19% of all... read more on TDF.

Leia uma introdução a esta série de posts aqui.

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