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quinta-feira, 5 de abril de 2012

Let's Make the Seal Hunt History! - Barbara Fournier

Good morning dear readers !

What about to realize a collective effort to save harmless seals from the massacre between the dirty hands of some inhuman humanoids? Thank you Barbara for your suggestion !

Fernando Costa

Barbara Fournier has just read and signed the petition: Let's Make the
Seal Hunt History!
You can view this petition at: http://www.thepetitionsite.com/takeaction/636/017/315/
Message from Barbara Fournier: 

Hello Fernando, merci de faire connaître cette digne cause sur ton blog. Les phoques ont le droit de vivre en paix et il faut arrêter ce massacre! C'est pourquoi je t'invite à signer comme moi la petition "Let's Make the Seal Hunt History!". Barbara Fournier

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