Acabo de fazer uma pesquisa na blogosfera de favoritos (100 no total) deste nosso blog dedicado à divina MAR, à inteligente VELA e ao sagrado MEIO-AMBIENTE e importei especialmente pra vocês, amigas e amigos leitores, o primeiro parágrafo de todos os posts que comentaram o violento terremoto-tsunami que massacrou hoje a costa Leste do Japão.
- 1000 pessoas teriam morrido e os sobreviventes estão sem eletricidade, sem água, sem telefone, sem transporte, sem gaz, sem comida e alguns sem ter mesmo onde dormir.
- Ou seja vão precisar de toda a ajuda do mundo.
- Mas leiam, leiam o que os nossos colegas blogueiros escreveram sobre o mais recente desastre ambiental que se abateu sobre nossos infelizes antípodas.
OBS: - Quando você não encontrar o assunto que procura neste blog, amigo leitor, faça uma pesquisa em nossa lista de favoritos, na coluna da direita, que soma um total de 100 (cem) blogs atualmente. Você verá, em princípio, links para os cinco posts mais recentes da "nossa blogosfera particular". Mas se clicar em mostrar todos, terá acesso à "blogroll" inteira.
OBS: - Quando você não encontrar o assunto que procura neste blog, amigo leitor, faça uma pesquisa em nossa lista de favoritos, na coluna da direita, que soma um total de 100 (cem) blogs atualmente. Você verá, em princípio, links para os cinco posts mais recentes da "nossa blogosfera particular". Mas se clicar em mostrar todos, terá acesso à "blogroll" inteira.
Saphyra Amaro, de 25 anos, cursa mestrado na Universidade de Tóquio e estava no centro da capital japonesa quando foram sentidos os primeiros tremores desta sexta-feira. O estadão.com.br conversou com a estudante por volta das 5 horas no horário local do Japão (17 horas em Brasília). Ela relatou o pânico dos japoneses que estavam em Tóquio com o terremoto de magnitude 6,9 que atingiu a região nordeste do país nesta sexta. “Senti o primeiro tremor por volta das 15 horas. Eu tinha acabado de chegar na estação Shinbashi, aqui em Tóquio, e ia subir no Yurikamome (espécie de monotrilho aéreo), quando sentimos os tremores. Eu estava perto das catracas e começou um barulho muito... LINK
2011 Sendai Earthquake / How To Help: President Obama released a statement earlier announcing that “[t]he United States stands ready to help the Japanese people in this time of great trial.” Below is a list of charities and relief organizations you can donate to in order to help bring aid to those affected by the worst earthquake in...LINK
Last night many of us returned from grabbing drinks with friends here in Austin, opened our computers, and, because of a 9.0 earthquake in Northern Japan, became witness to some of the most horrific imagery we have watched live in our lifetime. To be honest with you it’s sort of difficult to focus on startup launches, the iPad 2 and the swaggy ephemera of the #SXSW tech bubble when images of burning houses and flooded roadways are fresh in our... LINK
This map shows the details of Japan's 8.9 source earthquake, 11 March 2011, embedded in a map of large quakes and tsunamis between 1900 and... LINK
Prime minister Naoto Kan declared a nuclear emergency as his trade minister admitted that a radiation leak might occur at the Fukushima power plant.
The reactor’s cooling system failed after the 8.9-magnitude tremor hit northern Japan at 2.46pm local time. Pressure in the reactor was rising despite the US Air Force flying extra coolant to the plant.
Japan's massive earthquake caused a power outage that disabled a nuclear reactor's cooling system, triggering evacuation orders for about 3,000 residents as the government declared its first-ever state of emergency at... LINK
The above video shows the tsunami wave that followed the 8.9-magnitude earthquake off the coast of Japan and flowed across the Sendai airport located in the... LINK
To yours, Japan. Utah is keeping you in our thoughts and hearts. LINK
In the midst of the chaos and panic provoked by today's 8.9-magnitude earthquake in Japan and ensuing tsunami across the Pacific, I fondly recall an enchanting place on Hawaii's Big Island that I visited last June (Hawaii got a soaking this morning and was luckily spared the destruction ongoing in Japan.) As I see the images of fire and flooding in Japan, I want somehow to send the solace I found at Pu'uhonua o Honaunau National Park upon the... LINK
I know many people who follow this blog are interested in Japan. I’ve been translating Japanese news reports on my Twitter account for some hours now, and will try to do so for at least the rest of the day. If you’d like to follow along please follow @makiwi.
Update: I am still updating the news on my Twitter stream. If you want to do something, please consider donating to the Red Cross. In the U.S., you can text REDCROSS to 90999 to donate $10 to the... LINK
Japanese authorities on Saturday were racing to find ways to deliver new backup generators or batteries to a nuclear power reactor whose cooling facilities were crippled by a loss of power caused by the deadly earthquake and tsunami that hit Japan on Friday afternoon.
The reactor, owned by Tokyo Electric Power Co., is drawing on battery power that may last only a few hours. Without electricity, the reactor will not be able to pump water to cool its hot reactor core, possibly leading to a meltdown or some other release of... LINK
As all of you are probably aware, there was a tsunami warning across the Pacific last night from the 8.9 earthquake which struck off the coast of Japan.
You are also probably aware that in the end (thankfully) not much happened outside of Japan. Nonetheless, it was an extremely hectic night and I learned several valuable things from... LINK
I’m blogging from an Amtrak train en route from New York City to Washington DC for a series of donor and partner meetings through the weekend. But it has been challenging to stay focused while thinking about my staff, colleagues, and friends throughout the Pacific Rim following last night’s (Eastern time) massive earthquake and resultant tsunami in Japan.
I’m still trying to... LINK
Japanese authorities on Saturday were racing to find ways to deliver new backup generators or batteries to a nuclear power reactor whose cooling facilities were crippled by a loss of power caused by the deadly earthquake and tsunami that hit Japan on Friday afternoon.
The reactor, owned by Tokyo Electric Power Co., is drawing on battery power that may last only a few hours. Without electricity, the reactor will not be able to pump water to cool its hot reactor core, possibly leading to a meltdown or some other release of... LINK
As all of you are probably aware, there was a tsunami warning across the Pacific last night from the 8.9 earthquake which struck off the coast of Japan.
You are also probably aware that in the end (thankfully) not much happened outside of Japan. Nonetheless, it was an extremely hectic night and I learned several valuable things from... LINK
I’m blogging from an Amtrak train en route from New York City to Washington DC for a series of donor and partner meetings through the weekend. But it has been challenging to stay focused while thinking about my staff, colleagues, and friends throughout the Pacific Rim following last night’s (Eastern time) massive earthquake and resultant tsunami in Japan.
I’m still trying to... LINK
DERNIERE INFORMATION - 20h14: Une forte réplique, d'une magnitude de 6,6 degrés sur l'échelle de Richter, a été ressentie dans la nuit de vendredi à samedi dans le nord du Japon, a rapporté la chaîne de... LINK
Nous n’avons pas peur d’un tsunami. S’il faut en mourir, telle serait notre destinée. Ce qui nous fait peur, c’est l’homme, son incapacité à changer un ordre injuste dont il est seul responsable, la terreur qu’il fait... LINK
Des images terribles nous parviennent du Japon ou un seisme de magnitude 8,9 et un Tsunami se sont abattus sur la population et le territoire. La vidéo ci dessous parle d'elle même.Google a activé Japan Person Finder pour aider à la recherche de disparus et à l'heure actuelle près de 5000 données ont été collectées.Des Tsunamis menacent maintenant toutes les côtes du Pacifique et de nombreux pays commencent à ordonner l'évacuation des populations qui habitent près des... LINK
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