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segunda-feira, 15 de novembro de 2010

Santa Maria do grande Colombo - maquete

Salve colegas navegantes!

Neste dia em que comemoramos a histórica descoberta do continente americano, que deveria charmar-se colombiano, aqui vai de presente pra vocês a maquete da nau-capitânia do grande Cristóvão Colombo, o homem que colocou o ovo de pé, mas não conseguiu provar que navegando-se para oeste chega-se a leste.

Santa Maria (Small) 1402 Spain
Copper Pinned Plank on Frame Model
The Santa Maria was part of the fleet of Christopher Colombus on his first trip to the discovery of the Americas. Her master and owner was Juan de la Cosa.The Santa María was a carrack-type vessel and was used as the flagship for the expedition. The other ships of the Columbus expedition were the caravel-type ships Santa Clara, remembered as the Niña ("The Girl" ) and Pinta ("The Painted"). All these ships were second-hand vessels and were never meant for exploration.

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