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domingo, 30 de junho de 2019

The Flying-yacht project - dez incríveis veleiros futuristas

The Flying-yacht project :

Even though it has the look of an airship, the Flying-Yacht is a whole new type of craft. It can cruise at altitudes of 30-90 meters above water, the Flying-Yacht is not an aircraft of any sort, it is a boat or ship. The Flying-Yacht can accommodate several dozen passengers and is destined to
fly sightseeing rides. The concept introduced herein has a seating capacity of 40 people. It takes off and lands on water.

Other usages of such craft include transportation and air surveillance.

The upper part of the Flying-Yacht consists of several helium-filled envelopes. The passengers occupy the lower part. Unlike in a traditional airship structure, the passengers' area and the cockpit are inside the envelope and not in an outside gondola. The entire area is pressurized so as to preserve the hull rigidity. The passengers enter the aircraft through an airlock to keep the pressure constant.

People can board the Flying-Yacht through a boat or an adapted pontoon, and then by the lowered ramp. The Flying Ship isn't parked inside a hangar, it can stay afloat even under the harshest weather. Additional stability is obtained through a ballast-like tank filled with water in the lower part of the airship.

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