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domingo, 12 de agosto de 2018

I'm going around the world - voando com as asas de Svet, a Iluminada 18

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Svet, a Russa Iluminada

I'm going around the world

October 30, 2014, I went to his puteshectvie, flying from St. Petersburg (Russia) to New York ( USA ). Thus began my first round the world.

My round the world - is an experiment in the first over itself and over their lives: how it will be that I'll feel, how it will look, and, in general, if this is possible and how it affects a person (ie, particular person - for me).

"Around the World" - a long time, it seemed something impossible - at least, not in this life. I do not even think about it .. right up until the moment when it was in the United States .. But more about that later.

Second, the study of the world - what it is today in reality. After all that I (and many of you) know about the world - drawn from books, textbooks (written relatively long time ago) and from TV, where everything is illuminated, rather one-sided. How can actually look this world, our planet, people, what is their real

life: caring, values, aspirations - that is interesting to see with my own eyes.
My round the world - features:

1. I travel alone

Basically, I'm going alone - that is, at the moment, I do not have a partner for all my journey, although from time to time to see me join friends (inspired by the example and met on the way, cool people) at some period of time, so that, together we will explore the local beauty and taste the experience life among the locals "from the inside".
2. Meals "on the ground"

This means that the most part of the way I was doing on its surface: on the ground or is flooded with transport (including my two legs and wheels of various bicycles, motorcycles and the like means), as it seems to me much more interesting than to fly over the ground.
3. Live with the local

For the most part I live in the homes of local residents (with the help of CouchSurfing.org, or mere acquaintances "on the street" when the locals just invited me to her) because One of the main objectives of my journey - to know the "real life" of people in different cultural and social contexts.

4. I have a minimum of things

I traveled from Russia with a small suitcase and a school backpack.

And in South America, my luggage was reduced to one school backpack and handbag (how I broke up with my suitcase, I'll write more)...


- Queria viver num mundo em que todos os habitantes viajassem frequentemente...

- Pessoas que viajam são dez vezes mais inteligentes, criativas, solidárias e compassivas que as pessoas que não viajam.

- Queria viver num mundo populado só por Svets*.

- Queria ser eu próprio um Svet*.

Fernando Costa

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