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sexta-feira, 19 de janeiro de 2018

Boa notícia sobre Energia Solar - "Mudanças Climáticas, o assunto mais importante e urgente do mundo" 2

Leia uma explicação para esta série de posts clicando aqui.

- Garimpei a matéria abaixo diretamente no site oficial do UNFCCC (United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change) que contém uma boa notícia sobre energia solar, especialmente pra vocês lerem.

- Espero ter
ajudado. :)

Fernado Costa 

Leia uma explicação para esta série de posts clicando aqui.

International Solar Alliance to Tap the Sun in Support of Paris Goals

 The International Solar Alliance (ISA) received a significant boost on Sunday at a launch ceremony in New Delhi attended by Heads of State and Government and top UN officials, including the head of UN Climate Change.

Formed in parallel with the Paris Agreement, the alliance was first announced by India and France at the United Nations Climate Change Conference of the Parties (COP 21) in Paris in November 2015.

The initiative, meanwhile ratified by 30 countries and signed by 60, focuses on investment in large-scale solar energy in developing countries to both meet escalating energy demand and... LINK

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