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sexta-feira, 23 de agosto de 2013

Oceans - BBC - National Geographic - Discovery - Animal Planet - The History Channel - BBC - ARTE - 30 programas inteligentes na tela da TV mundial - 23



The team ventures into one of the world's most hostile environments, the Arctic Ocean, which plays a crucial role in controlling our climate.

Expedition leader Paul Rose, environmentalist Philippe Cousteau Jr, maritime archaeologist Dr Lucy Blue and marine biologist and oceanographer Tooni Mahto head to this hostile and remote ocean, where they plan to dive beneath the polar ice cap to

explore how the ice, the dominant feature of this ocean, is shrinking and how this could affect the rest of the world.

The polar bear is threatened by the retreating ice - but it is not alone. The team risks diving in sub-zero temperatures to collect samples of some of the tiny creatures that form the basis of the Arctic's complex food chain.

As the seas warm, the Atlantic walrus could be a... read more on BBC.

Leia uma introdução à esta nova série de posts aqui.

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