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segunda-feira, 14 de novembro de 2011

Tactics against fishing, whaling, and seal hunting - SSCS

The Sea Shepherd Conservation Society

The Sea Shepherd Conservation Society (SSCS) is a non-profit, marine conservation organization based in Friday Harbor, Washington in the United States. The group uses direct action tactics to protect sealife. Sea Shepherd currently operates the vessels MY Steve Irwin, the Bob Barker, and the MV Brigitte Bardot, and most of the group's recent activities take place in
international waters. The group has a strong focus on public relations to spread their message via the media.
The organization was founded in 1977 under the name Earth Force Society by Paul Watson, an early member of Greenpeace, after a dispute with that organization over what Watson saw as its lack of more aggressive intervention. It has received support for its tactics against fishing, whaling, and seal hunting from quarters such as media personalities, while critics have called the... LINK 

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