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quarta-feira, 7 de março de 2018

Flooding has flushed 43 billion plastic pieces out to sea - Importantes matérias (texto) sobre MAR, MEIO AMBIENTE ou BARCO À VELA 6

Bom dia amigas e amigos leitores.

- Selecionei para nós lermos a matéria abaixo, que contém boas e más notícias sobre a colossal poluição dos oceanos, com microscópicas partículas de plástico, um dos mais lamentáveis desastres causados por nossa
inconsequente sociedade de consumo.

- Isso faz-me pensar na minha "Sinérgica Inequação do Verdadeiro Apocalipse".

- Leiam!

Fernando Costa

Flooding has flushed 43 billion plastic pieces out to sea

By Roni DenglerMar. 12, 2018 , 1:00 PM

The Mersey River Basin near Manchester, U.K., is the most plastic polluted watershed in the world, with more than half a million plastic particles per square meter of riverbed. That’s one of the most dramatic findings of the first global map of aquatic plastic pollution, published today in Nature Geoscience. When large storms flood rivers, the plastic collected there washes out to sea. That means rivers are a significant source of plastic polluting the world’s oceans, the study reveals.

To find out how plastic goes from land to sea, researchers counted plastic particles known as microplastics—tiny to microscopic bits of plastic made when sunlight breaks down large pieces of plastic—in the sediment of 10 rivers across 40 sites in the Mersey and Irwell river basins in urban, suburban, and rural northwest England before and after the 2015 Boxing Day Flood—the largest flooding event on record in the region. The flood, which removed all traces of plastic debris at seven of the sites, washed 70% of the plastic—that’s 43 billion particles or about 0.85 metric tons—of plastic out to sea, theLINK

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