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sexta-feira, 23 de fevereiro de 2018

Delicacies from the sea... - Importantes matérias sobre MAR ou BARCO À VELA 5

Bom dia amigas e amigos leitores.

- Lendo a interessante matéria abaixo, fiquei pensando no quão triste será o dia que todos as espécies marítimas estiverem extintas...

- Nunca mais teremos o prazer de degustar os deliciosos pratos ilustrados na foto acima.

- Pena...

- Mas este é o menos dos males.

- O pior dos males é que quando todas as criaturas marítimas forem extintas nós os des-humanos desapareceremos no minuto seguinte.

Fernando Costa

Delicacies from the sea...

Cooking is the artistic act of preparing food. The skilful preparation of food is truly an art. Cooking actually is a healthy mixture of both talent and skill. Cooking is perhaps the highest form of meditation, a divine ritual that is key to nourishing the soul. It is an established fact that preparing and sharing of food defines relationships within families as well as in the larger community. Food is inextricably linked to occasions and celebrations especially food festivals. Keeping this in mind, management at Avari Towers organises different food festivals from time to time in a bid to offer food connoisseurs taste of different authentic cuisines from around the world.

Recently, Avari Towers, Karachi, organised Sea Food Festival at Asia Live - featuring seafood delicacies from around the world with an ambience to match. The place had been especially decked up for the occasion in an attempt to treat Karachiites with authentic seafood in a perfectLINK

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