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sábado, 30 de novembro de 2013

“Small animal” caused the power trouble in Fukushima plant again - FUKUSHIMA MAIS MORTÍFERA QUE HIROSHIMA, NAGAZAKI E CHERNOBYL JUNTAS 30

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Posted by Mochizuki on November 27th, 2013 

Fukushima nuclear plant has had the power trouble 3 times due to “mouse” in the power system since this March.

They had another power trouble on 11/26/2013. Tepco found the dungs of small animal, concluded a small animal got into the
connector board.

Around 7AM of 11/26/2013, the alarm went off at a power transformer.

After the first power trouble caused by a mouse this March, Tepco took prevention not to let small animal enter the power system, but they found 1cm×1cm space in the investigation. Tepco assumes a small animal entered the...LINK

Leia (em português) uma introdução à esta série de posts aqui.

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