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quinta-feira, 12 de janeiro de 2012

The best school is a sailboat and the best student is Laura Dekker ! - news

I have already burned (in my mind, only) flags of Brazil, USA, Germany and Japan for the reasons you know, and now I want to do the same with the flag of Netherland. Please read what injustice some Dutch bureaucrats are committing with our dear Laura Dekker, the most
intelligent, cultured, wise and beautiful teenager in the world. Hey, Dutch bureaucrats, take note! The best school is a sailboat on the sea and the worst sailboat is a traditional scholl on earth! Please let Laura Dekker in peace !

Fernando Costa


Laura Dekker hounded by Dutch officials about school

January 11, 2012

Just as Laura Dekker is coming closer to being the youngest person sailing solo around the world, the compulsory schooling bureaucrats have turned up the heat on the fact that she’s not handing in her homework. Her lawyer and even the Minister of Education has said that Laura does not have to go to... LINK.


Um comentário:

  1. My last post on the GuestBook of Laura Dekker :

    Hi Laura "The true Alice in WonderSEA" Dekker !

    I wrote the following on my blog today:

    "The best school is a sailboat and the best student is Laura Dekker !

    I have already burned (in my mind, only) flags of Brazil, USA, Germany and Japan for the reasons you know, and now I want to do the same with the flag of Netherland. Please read what injustice some Dutch bureaucrats are committing with our dear... "

    Read further on this link :


    Good winds, but please don't hurry up to arrive !

    Fernando "Estrela d'Alva" Costa, from Cabo Frio, Brasil


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