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quinta-feira, 22 de dezembro de 2011

Notícias em inglês sôbre nossos velejadores solitários favoritos - news


Pangaea returns to Fort Lauderdale


After three fantastic weeks of sailing around the Florida Keys, Pangaea returns to Fort Lauderdale. Yesterday, Pangaea's team of Young Explorers disembarked and took their flights back home. For them it has been an amazing three weeks of discovery and learing around the
Keys and the Gulf of Mexico. Now they will start sharing their 'Mke Horn' experiences as they begin a new
journey towards creating awareness about the planet, and start acting for the protection of our... LINK



Today Guppy came in line with the Netherlands' longitude [5° E], which means that I have now crossed all of the earth longitudes ... that's pretty amazing. Now I only have some 4800 nautical miles to go until I reach the Caribbean and finish my circumnavigation of the world. That sounds so incredibly close in view of all the miles Guppy already has under the keel, but at the same time it seems quite far away for I am still in the southern hemisphere. The nice wind I had yesterday calmed down a little which is not so bad because I don't have to adjust the sails or the course so much. But what I really missed in the last days was the sun so it is colder now, especially at night. Apparently the squids agree with me for they keep coming to lounge on Guppy's warm deck all the time and then ... I can't say it warms my heart to pick-up dead squids. They are not as easy to grab and throw overboard as dried out flying fishes. Those things just get glued to the deck and they will come apart when you pull on them which only makes for a bigger mess to clean up. The small signboard 'No squids allowed' I put up didn't make much of a difference ;-) ... Naja, if those are my biggest problems for now it goes to say that all is...  LINK


Roaring Forties (16,120nm)

Posted on December 16, 2011 by Matt

I was pretty far from my original waypoint off Easter Island. I underestimated just how far west the SE trades were going to push me. I’m so glad to be out of those southeast headwinds! The good news is I’m still on schedule, and should be rounding the horn by mid-January (or earlier). The climate is changing in a hurry. The temperature has been down to the low 50s at night and I’ve been having days with that grey featureless sky and steady rain. I even had a bit of fog which I thought was pretty funny. After the Arctic, fog has become a joke. The water has also gotten cold. I regularly take saltwater showers. Well, I guess it’s a shower. I dump a couple of buckets of saltwater over my head, lather up with soap and shampoo, then dump a few more buckets on myself and call it a day. I did it a few days ago and was shocked by how quickly the water has...  LINK

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