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segunda-feira, 7 de novembro de 2011

At sea, the conditions became worse and... -

Pema Ombar Mural

Hello dear visitors!

Read the full story of the PEMA OMBAR MURAL on the link below! 
I bet you'll like! 

Fernando Costa

Norsang arrived home, told his wife about the king’s order, and gave her 
advice for taking care of the baby she had in her belly. Norsang’s wife became 
weak from the news and wept.
Norsang left his wife, while the king and merchants went to the ocean side.
Norsang and the merchants entered the ship.
At sea, the conditions became worse and the sails became more
frayed every 
day. By the end of the seventh day they arrived at the center of the ocean.
Norsang’s ship, carried by adverse wind, arrived at the palace of the naga
king Dolpa Nagpo.
The ocean stirred greatly, the boat capsized, and Norsang and the 
merchants perished.
In the city of King Naramuti, a boy was born to Norsang’s wife.
He was named Pelyo. In India, boys did what their fathers did; Pelyo’s 
mother, afraid that he would leave her as well, kept it a secret that his 
father went to sea. LINK

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