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terça-feira, 14 de dezembro de 2010

Como um ser humano sendo assassinado - intempestivo

Ei! Amigas e amigos visitantes!

( Baixinho no ouvido de vocês)
- Vou fazer aquilo de novo...
Escondido de Madame Probabilidade vou falar mais uma vez do Shackleton. É que encontrei um relato extraordinário da expedição do "Endurance" no Peabody Essex Museum e com ela criei uma linha-do-tempo bem ilustrada especialmente pra vocês degustarem. Está em inglês, mas inglês é mais fácil que português e depois a net tá cheia de tradutores on line. Traduções de computador nunca são 100%, as humanas também não, mas com um pouco de paciência e muita curiosidade aposto que vocês entenderão tudo. Eu considero a incrível viagem de 16 dias a bordo da baleeira "James Caird" como a mais radical das velejadas de todos os tempos e lugares. A confirmar, que minha cultura marítima é insipiente. Mas a de vocês pode ser substancial. Se for o caso, digam-me, a infernal viagem de 16 dias, a bordo da baleeira "James Caird" é ou não é a mais radical das velejadas de todos
 os tempos e lugares?
- Hein?
 - Tem alguém aí?
- Sim?
- Então bom apetite!

Endurance Expedition Timeline


August 1 Endurance sails from London
August 4 Germany declares war on Russian
Mid October Endurance reaches Buenos Aires. Ernest Shackleton, Frank Hurley, and 69 sledge dogs board
October 26 Freshly painted and loaded with provisions, Endurance departs
November 5 Arrive South Georgia island; wait a month in hopes of pack ice receding
December 5 Depart South Georgia
December 7 Ice packs spotted


January 10 A week away from Vahsel Bay, where men plan to disembark for trans-Antarctic trek
January 18 Only 80 miles from Vahsel Bay though pack ice a constant problem
January 27 "Stuck fast for the season," writes Hurley. Endurance firmly lodged
in pack ice. Temperature drops to +9
February 24 Shackleton orders cessation of ship's routines. Ship now a winter station. Men out of sight of land; out of earshot of the rest of the world
March 8 -8° F; blizzard; two sledges smashed on ice; winter encroaches; days shorten
April Pigs "converted" to pork; light dwindles
April 4 Sounds of ice grinding are first inkling of mounting troubles
June -20° F; twilight only at noon
June 22 Midwinter dinner feast of pork, stewed apples, peas; Endurance has drifted 670 along with the pack ice

July 13 Blizzard stirs up pack ice, the friction sounds "like a human being murdered"
July 21 "colossal pressure" causes pack ice to mound up like "sugar cubes"
September Endurance "struggles and groaned as if in mortal pain"; the roar of pack ice pressure "sounds like London traffic"
October Endurance battered continually by pack ice in Antarctic spring; "moving floes in a state of agitation," writes Hurley
October 27 "We are homeless and adrift on sea ice," writes Hurley; Endurance sinking
October 30 Mrs. Chipper, most of the dogs shot; men begin an impossible 200 mile trek to land; up to their hips in snow, they trudge less than 1 mile before halting
November 1 Ocean Camp, a "colossal ice raft," established. Ice 5 feet thick; Weddell Sea 2,000 fathoms deep
November 21 Endurance finally sinks out of sight
November 22 Hurley seals his professional camera and negatives into tin canisters
December 23 March 8 miles in one week; set up Patience Camp


January 14 More dogs are shot; their pemmican feed becomes the
crew's food
January, late Shackleton orders men to pick over seal bones for meat, blubber
February, late Men find and kill 300 penguins
February 29 Celebrate leap year with three meals and three hot beverages each
March 21 First day of winter

March 30 The rest of the dogs are shot; youngest are consumed
April 9 Ice breaks up and men launch life boats; head for Elephant Island. "Ordeal had just begun," writes Caroline Alexander
April 16 Reach solid land after 497 days on sea and ice
April 19 In a raging blizzard, the Boss-Shackleton-prepares and serves breakfast to the men, who are sick and spent after spending three nights in the open boats in stormy, frigid seas
April 20 Shackleton announces a run for Elephant Island aboard James Caird
April 24 Caird launched with six men aboard

On the James Caird

April 28 "Highest, broadest, longest swells in the world"
-James Worsley
April 30 Caird freezes up, leaden, sinking. Men scrape ice off boat three times
May 2 Enormous wave batters boat, but Caird withstands the punishment
May 7 Men spot kelp and know they are closing in on land
May 10 After a tortuous 17 days at sea, the Caird comes ashore
May 19 At 2 a.m., Shackleton, Worsley and Crean men set out on foot to whaling village on the other side of South Georgia Island. Interior unmapped, and men must scale several icy peaks in search of passage
May 20 36 hours later, the three men reach outpost. Children, upon seeing their blackened faces, ripped clothes, long stringy hair, scream and flee. Old Norwegian whaler sees them and says, "I turn away and weep"
May 21 Rest of the Caird's crew rescued from other side of island. Worsley, clean shaven and bathed, is not recognized by the men
May 23 First attempt to rescue crew on Elephant Island aborted 60 miles from destination. Blocked by pack ice.
June 10 Within sight of Elephant Island, second rescue attempt thwarted, again by ice
July 12 Third attempt to rescue men fails
August 30 Twenty-two men finally rescued; Shackleton says, "I have done it... Not a life lost and we have been through Hell.'Hurley writes: "Day of Wonders."

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