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domingo, 15 de setembro de 2019

Global warming may threaten availability of essential brain-building fatty acid - Aquecimento Global, alguém conhece assunto mais importante e urgente???!!!!

- Bom dia amigas e amigos leitores deste oceânico blog. 

- Selecionei pra nós lermos juntos a matéria abaixo, publicada hoje no PHYS ORG que nos revela uma notícia das mais inquietantes sobre o futuro da humanidade sobre nosso combalido planeta Terra.
- Qual?
- O Aquecimento Global poderá ter como consequência num futuro próximo, o mau funcionamento de nosso
órgão vital mais importante.

  Fernando Costa

Global warming may threaten availability of essential brain-building fatty acid
by Springer

By 2100, 96% of the global population may not have sufficient access to a naturally occurring essential brain-building omega-3 fatty acid, according to a study in the journal Ambio.

Global warming may reduce the availability of Docosahexaenoic acid (DHA), the most abundant fatty acid found in mammalian brains, which has a crucial role in processes such as neuroprotection, cell survival, and inflammation. Despite its requirement for neural development and health, humans are unable to produce enough of their own DHA. They rely on obtaining the nutrient through a diet of fish and seafood, and/or by taking supplements.

Stefanie Colombo at Dalhousie University, Canada; Tim Rodgers at University of Toronto and colleagues at Ryerson University and University of Toronto developed a mathematical model to investigate the potential decrease in... LINK

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