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quinta-feira, 18 de julho de 2019

Pirates of the burning SEA - video games - post reciclado - 15.435 clicadas - os dez posts mais populares dentre os 8.380 já publicados neste blog

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Bons ventos!

Fernando Costa

30/11/2010 - Os mares virtuais podem ficar mais agitados nos próximos dias, pois a Flying Lab anunciou que o game online sem limite de jogadores "Pirates of the Burning Sea" passou a ter acesso gratuito aos servidores de jogo.
De acordo com a produtora, o game ainda conta com assinatura para serviço Captain's Club, que oferece, por US$ 15 mensais, mais espaços para personagens (seis contra dois da modalidade gratuita), 10% de experiência adicional ao derrotar um monstro e outros benefícios.

Descobridor dos sete mares

Lançado em 2008, "Pirates of the Burning Sea" dá ao jogador a oportunidade de desbravar os mares do século XVIII em busca de fama e riqueza ao mesmo tempo em que defende uma das três nações disponíveis: Inglaterra, França ou Espanha.
"Pirates of the Burning Sea" é exclusivo para PC. link-do-texto

Pirates of the Burning Sea (abbreviated PotBS) is a massively multiplayer online role-playing game (MMORPG) developed by Flying Lab Software (FLS). The game is set in the Caribbean in 1720 and combines tactical ship and swashbuckling combat with an immersive player-driven economy. It is adopted a free-to-play model on the 22nd of November, 2010.


Pirates of the Burning Sea has been in development since 2002. During the first few years of development, Flying Lab Software realized that this project required more attention than anticipated. Gradually, not only have they more than doubled their staff, but have also put an MMO entitled Delta Green (based on the role-playing game of the same name), on hold. Beta testing began on 14 December 2005, and ran until 1 January 2008.


Players can choose a Career for their avatars when they begin the game. The Career determines what abilities and features he will accrue as a captain. The player will receive one point for his avatar's career on every other level gained. These points can be spent in various ways depending on which career the player has chosen. Once a career is chosen, it cannot be changed.


Players in Pirates of the Burning Sea can create up to six characters per server to represent themselves in the game. Each of them will captain their own ship and fight either for a nation of their choice or as a Pirate (see below). As the player moves along in the game, the character will develop by gaining ranks (The equivalent of levels in other MMOs). The player can thus unlock new features, such as fighting abilities, and, most importantly, will be able to captain larger and better ships. The maximum rank a player can reach is 50.

Port battle

Finally, a port battle takes place to determine if the port changes hands. Twenty-four players are chosen from each side. Players who contributed more to the contention have a higher chance of being selected to represent their nation. The port battle is an instanced 24 v. 24 ship battle. Whichever side wins takes control of the port.

As it stands there are approximately 55 ships in the game, with the aim to add more over time. What ship the player chooses to sail will affect both his combat capabilities and his economic capabilities. Most of these ships have been user created.

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