Holotropic breathing
Today did a session of holotropic breathing. For me, this is the second experience for Pablo - first. I did it for the first time 8 years ago. And today, again holotropic breathing was interesting to me, but somehow I did not believe in the seriousness of the intentions of our guide .. began to breathe alternately deeply and
frequently, quietly and smoothly.
And then the vibration - at first in the hands, then in the legs .. something sank just above the wrist, abdomen, too - like a bud shell held down, the lips also curled into an involuntary spasm .. vibration went on his legs, fingers tensed .. vibration was so obvious and palpable! ..
..I looked at her hands, hoping to see what happens to them - from vibration? But from the outside they looked absolutely normal ...
..Potom remember again found herself in the same "palapa" (a place where we spent the session), I felt like Grace - our guide, gently touched my arm, and then his feet .. I continue to breathe, the vibration continued, deep breathing will not cause the discomfort in the beginning, closed her eyes again found herself in this room - I realized that he had just been somewhere far away, where all good, no worries, no questions.
..opyat closed her eyes ..
..polnoe relaxing (except for information limbs), fell int... LINK

- Confesso a vocês que nunca tinha ouvido falar em holotropic breathing (respiração holotrópica!!!) e vocês?
- Por isso que é bom a gente manter contato com aventureiros que só param de viajar quando dormem, como nossa amiga Svet, a Russa Iluminada.
- E às vezes continuam viajando durante o sono.
- Curiosos para saber mais a respeito, amigas e amigos leitores?
- Cliquem aqui (texto em inglês).
- Ou cliquem aqui (texto em português).
Fernando Costa
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