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sábado, 16 de novembro de 2013

Tepco to start fuel removal of reactor4 pool on 11/18/2013 - FUKUSHIMA MAIS MORTÍFERA QUE HIROSHIMA, NAGAZAKI E CHERNOBYL JUNTAS 16

Leia (em português) uma introdução à esta série de posts aqui.

Posted by Mochizuki on November 16th, 2013 

Tepco announced they plan to start the fuel removal of reactor4 pool on 11/18/2013.

Specifically, they will start it from sinking the cask in the pool but the exact time schedule was not

They estimate one cycle (sinking the cask to the pool setting the fuel in the common usage pool) would take...LINK

Leia (em português) uma introdução à esta série de posts aqui.

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