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terça-feira, 17 de setembro de 2013

Hawaii: Message in the Waves - TDF - 30 ótimos documentários (vídeos) sobre o MEIO AMBIENTE - 17

Hawaii: Message in the Waves



Hawaii Message in the Waves is a film from the BBC Natural History Unit looking at some of the environmental challenges facing the people and wildlife of the Hawaiian Islands.
Although the documentary is from a Hawaiian perspective it is really a global film. Because of their size, location and social history, the Hawaiian Islands represent a microcosm of the planet and are in a unique position to tell all of us where we are going wrong and what we can
do to help put things right.
For more than just surfers, the ocean is an integral and inseparable part of Hawaiian life. To see the magnificent waves crash upon the Hawaii’s beaches, it’s clear why: From a Hawaiian perspective the ocean represents the ultimate beauty and bounty of... read more on TDF.

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