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segunda-feira, 9 de setembro de 2013

Garbage Island - 2008 - TDF - 30 ótimos documentários (vídeos) sobre o MEIO AMBIENTE - 9

Garbage Island



Vice sails to the North Pacific Gyre, collecting point for all of the ocean’s flotsam and home of the Great Pacific Garbage Patch: a mythical, Texas-sized island made entirely of our trash.

As long as it’s existed, the middle of the Gyre has been a naturally occurring point of accumulation for all the drifting trash in its half of the ocean. Once upon a time, flotsam circled into the middle of the Gyre and (because up until the past century everything in the world was biodegradable) was broken down into a
nutrient-rich stew perfect for fish and smaller invertebrates to chow on.
The problem with plastic is, unless you hammer it with enough pressure to make a diamond, it never fully disintegrates. Over time plastic will photodegrade all the way down to the individual polymers, but those little guys are still in... read more on TDF.

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