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quinta-feira, 15 de março de 2012

This world is full of dishonest opportunists - news


- Regrettable what is happening right now with the lone mariner Roman Paszke in Argentina. 
- Look !
- Do you know what?
-  This world is full of dishonest opportunists. 
- That's why I'm more afraid of some men than the sea.

Fernando Costa

09.03.2012 Official protest of the Polish Yachting Association (PZŻ) addressed to the Argentinean Yachting Federation (AYF)

"Dear Sir,
On behalf of Polish Yachting Association I would like to draw your attention to the unacceptable situation taking place in Rio Gallegos port to the
catamaran type yacht
"GEMlNl 3" belonging to Cpt. Roman Paszke (POL).
Captain Roman Paszke had to interrupt his non-stop solo cruise around the world due to the scale of noticed damages of the vessel when he was in the vicinity of the port of Rio Gallegos.
After having the yacht repaired, the carrier paid all the cost connected with the stay of the vessel in the port, including the fee for the tug of the catamaran, in total USD 50 thousand. Then, in accordance with the local procedures, the "GEMlNl 3" obtained the necessary sailing permits from the Argentinean inspectors allowing it to return on its journey. However, just before the yacht’s embarking on its return trip to Poland, with the Polish
four-person crew, one of the Argentinean companies lodged an unlawful financial claim demanding the Polish carrier to pay an additional fee of over USD 300 thousand for alleged participation in the "rescue assist". lt is an unlawful claim because the vessel did not take
part in..." LINK

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