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domingo, 15 de janeiro de 2012

Laura "Alice in Wonderland" Dekker talk about the SEA - 5

(-5) - The SEA has been changed into a cooking pot and aboard of Guppy it's like being in a washing machine.  13/01/2011

(-4) - I want to keep enjoying the quiet and peace at SEA as much I can before everything changes in about
12 days. 11/01/2011

38 - The wind has become a little too enthusiastic.. She is getting strong and the SEAS are getting pretty rough.. Different from what things were in the Pacific Ocean, the waves here in the Indian Ocean are very high and steep with a huge swell that comes in at a totally different angle from the wind. 13/10/2011

39 - Guppy takes all this in a stride which makes me realy proud of her, as I know for sure that she will keep cleaving through the waves as we go forward until such time when the SEAS calm down. 13/10/2011

40 - I have been at SEA for 18 days now which means this crossing is officially the longest one I have made on my journey. 13/10/2011

41 –  The SEA is steadily building up to biger waves and some huge ones have already washed into the cockpit, of course at exactly the moment when I was standing there.  12/10/2011
42 – With a high swell and cross SEAS I did not feel too happy about this. 11/10/2011

43 – For the past 12 hours the winds came from all possible directions at speeds of 0 to 10 knots. So of the 12 days I have been at SEA, I enjoyed going under sails for a good 24 hours and had one good night sleep. 7/10/2011

44 – I really hope that the wind keeps on blowing constantly and that it will shift to a better direction sometime because we are still sailing on a close tack as Guppy plows trough the endless blue SEA. 02/10/2011

photo - Yann-Arthus Bertrand

45 – I know this rising interest in food is a sign of my good SEA rhythm settling in. Well, obviously the only thing I needed was wind... 02/10/2011

Um comentário:

  1. Read my last mail to Laura Dekker


    Hi Laura "The true Alice in WonderSEA" Dekker !

    I quote you again on my blog.

    Look !


    Good, excellent winds !

    Fernando "Estrela d'Alva" Costa, from Cabo Frio, Brazil


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