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quinta-feira, 5 de janeiro de 2012

Laura "Alice in Wonderland" Dekker talk about the SEA - 2

(-2) - Guppy is getting to be an oven now so I sleep during the day and stay up at night... and it is nice, what with the moonlit SEA and the many many thousand stars up above.. 03/01/2012 

(-1) - Indeed at SEA there is no light pollution so the night sky is very clear and beautiful and the stars are brightly shining. 01/01/2012 

11 - So all is well onboard and I just need to fall back into my SEA rhythm but I feel great and very soon I will be used to the waves washing over and
having things all wet... 13/12/2011

12 - The pictures of Guppy at SEA on the December 3rd blog were taken by Uwe Moser of the Momo, one of the boats that sailed from Port Elizabeth at the same time I did. http://www.momos-meilen.de/  04/12/2011

13 - Because it was a little bit to busy over there and a have since moved to the quieter Cape Town marina which is better for Guppy . After a good night sleep I am well rested so I can start cleaning inside Guppy's cabin. The rough SEAS and all the water leaking in have neatly ordered everything into one big mess ... 27/11/2011

14 - The other yachts in our group are still behind and now out of sight. Even though we are sailing in a highly frequented shipping lane I could take some time to sleep last night. Just before going to bed I sat in the cockpit to take another look at the marine luminescence dancing with the SEA. 25/11/2011

15 - There is so much phosphor in the water that even the very small rolling crests of the waves glow with a lime-green light just as Guppy's backwash is very brightly luminescent - I can't remember having seen the SEA shine so brightly and beautiful before. 25/11/2011

16 - Another blog from the open SEA. Early this morning the meteo called for a good weather window so Guppy and I decided to cast off the mooring lines and with four other yachts we left the marina in Port Elizabeth to head west. Coming out of the bay the SEA was nice rough with a 25 knots head wind creating high waves so Guppy sailed more under water than on it. 24/11/2011

17 - But I am enjoying the fast sailing and staying ahead of the group. I feel great to be back at SEA and I am looking forward to the high points of rounding the Cape. The wind is weakening a little again so I shall be very busy in the coming days... making it an easy guess as to how I will spend my time right after arrival... 24/11/2011

18 - Today a strong wind is blowing over the recently renovated harbour of Port Elizabeth. Some time ago a major storm destroyed the marina and the people here are still busy working on the rusty and damaged docks to keep them securely floating. A heavy swell has been coming in from the SEA that made the boats pull hard on their mooring lines but now the wind has shifted and the swell has diminished a little and becouse of the wind it is still difficult to walk upright on the docks. 22/11/2011 

click here to read the previous post of this series

2 comentários:

  1. (My last message to Laura Dekker)

    Hi Laura "The True Alice in WonderSEA" Dekker!

    I keep counting how many times have you mentioned the magic word SEA, in your nice weblog. 25 for while.

    - Look !


    But much more important to me, that the number of times, is the way you speak about the SEA, one of the most beautiful things God invented.

    Your trip is one of my favorite toys.

    Good winds, but please do not hurry to arrive.

    Fernando "Estrela d'Alva" Costa, from Cabo Frio, Brazil

  2. My favorite quote, among those published in this post, is number 14, below. And you, dear reader? Tell please me what is yours.

    14 - The other yachts in our group are still behind and now out of sight. Even though we are sailing in a highly frequented shipping lane I could take some time to sleep last night. Just before going to bed I sat in the cockpit to take another look at the marine luminescence dancing with the SEA. 25/11/2011


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