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segunda-feira, 2 de janeiro de 2012

Laura "Alice in Wonderland" Dekker talk about the SEA - 1

1 - I still have much time to enjoy the peace and the quiet at SEA is just wonderful. 28/12/2011

2 - Anyway cooking a five course meal at SEA is something of a challenge and in any case because of the SEA conditions.  I'll just have to fall back on a very simple Christmas Dinner made out of canned food and that is fine with me - a simple Christmas is a great Christmas to me. 25/12/2011

3 - Yesterday the clouds gathered in an arch that reached down to the SEA far on the horizon and when the sun came down floating in
the water it turned the arch into a barrel vault of lights, which was just wonderful to see... 24/12/2011

4 - But now the waves have taken some very annoying patterns as the wind shifted, making for cross SEAs making us wallow heavily at times. Even though the SEA may be calm for half an hour or so, it would be a mistake to leave things lying around thoughtlessly otherwise... Woosh!  24/12/2011

5 - The days are still cloudy and without the stars or the moon shining the nights are darker. Really darker! So dark that I can't tell the SEA from the sky which is something I don't like, preferring to see what is going on around me. In the daytime too the clouds can appear threatening even though they seem to be just hanging up there in the sky. But for all their placid, friendly and peaceful look I know by now how fast things can change at SEA... 22/12/2011

6 - Surprisingly I don't feel things are at a stand still even though during my previous crossings I always had something to occupy me: ‘Gup’ being pushed on her side by a squall, repair work, or just trying to sleep when everything inside the cabin was wet and salty. But now, nothing. After all that went on in the past year this is a moment for me to take it all in and realize the chance I have to be at SEA being in peace. 21/12/2011

7 - To my surprise a nice breeze came in yesterday evening that got even stronger during the night. With the strong wind coming diagonally from behind we dashed forward over the bumpy SEA at 7 knots. 19/12/2011

8 - Another clear and sunny day with little wind but still enough so Guppy can skate ahead which is all there is to it ... today. It's unbelievable that I have been at SEA for almost a week now - time is just flying by. But, and this is real sweet to me, Guppy and I still have many miles to go and at our current speed there is plenty of time left for us to be at SEA. 18/12/2011

9 - Guppy and I have been at SEA for three nights already. And now the wind is gone... We had a promising start with lots of wind, even a little bit too much to my taste and not from the best direction so Guppy could not keep on her course. 15/12/2011

10 - After waving goodbye to the sailing out Volvo Race boats as they headed south, Guppy and I left Cape Town and Table Mountain behind us. We will be at SEA for the coming time. We started with a nice wind and we are sailing on a close tack. 13/12/2011

2 comentários:

  1. My last mail to Laura Dekker

    Hi Laura

    I quoted you again on my blog. This time I quoted your quotes about the SEA. Look !


    At the end of this new series, we will know how many times you talked about the magic SEA.

    Nice winds for you, "The True Alice in WonderSEA"

    Fernando "Estrela d'Alva" Costa, from Cabo Frio, Brazil

  2. My favorite quote, among those published in this post, is number 8, below. And you, dear reader? Will you reveal me the yours?

    8 - Another clear and sunny day with little wind but still enough so Guppy can skate ahead which is all there is to it ... today. It's unbelievable that I have been at SEA for almost a week now - time is just flying by. But, and this is real sweet to me, Guppy and I still have many miles to go and at our current speed there is plenty of time left for us to be at SEA. 18/12/2011


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