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quarta-feira, 1 de junho de 2011

Ciência e Arte juntos em plena MAR - livro sobre a MAR

Se há um campo de sonhos que me fascina amigas e amigos, é a fronteira entre ciência e arte.
Já perceberam que Ciência no limite vira Arte e vice-versa?
A propósito acabo de descobrir o livro da cientista, doublê de artista Sophie Webb?
- Texto in english, imagens na mais universal das linguagens.
- Ao final do artigo Sophie faz uma observação alarmante...
- Leiam!
- Vejam!

Science and Art at Sea

Envy the rare scientist who excels at art and the artist who elevates science. Or better yet, aspire to be one of them — an effect that “Far From Shore,” an outstanding illustrated nonfiction book by Sophie Webb, is likely to have on middle-grade readers. Webb won a Sibert Honor for “My Season With Penguins” in 2001. Like that book, “Far From Shore” takes the form of an illustrated journal. Webb made a four-month voyage through the Eastern Tropical Pacific Ocean and has created closely rendered watercolor paintings that show everything from the items she brought with her (iPod, passport, sunscreen) to diagrams of the ship to close-ups of... LINK

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