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terça-feira, 22 de março de 2011

Barco na garrafa - o maior do mundo - intempestivo


Salve amigo visitante!

- Gosta de barcos em miniatura dentro de garrafas?
- Sim?
- Somos dois!
- E onde se encontra o maior barco do mundo esculpido dentro de uma garrafa?
- Sabe?
- A julgar por sua expressão, a resposta será... "- Não sei!"
- Acertei? 
- Viu a foto acima?
- Então agora leia o texto abaixo. Está in english. Mas inglês, todos sabem, é mais fácil que português. Keep reading!
- Ah! Ia-me esquecendo. Detalhe interessante que não consta do texto abaixo. A "enorme" (do tamanho da "Estrela d'Alva") maquete do "Victory", nau-capitânea do Almirante Nelson, na batalha de Trafalgar, foi montada no interior de garrafa por alguns artesãos que facilmente passaram pelo "enorme" gargalo.


The World's largest Ship Model in a Bottle?

text 1

The craft of putting ship models in bottles has both fascinated and puzzled people for years and when the new sculpture by Yinka Shonibare M.B.E. for the Fourth Plinth in Trafalgar Square was installed, the interest became front-page news. As Curator of Ship Models at the NMM I was asked, for instance, by ITV London Tonight News, to comment about ship models in bottles and on the newly-installed sculpture, including the history of the craft and the various techniques used to construct them.
The origins of putting models or objects in bottles can be traced as far back as the... link-do-texto

text 2

The artwork is the first commission on the Fourth Plinth to reflect specifically on the historical symbolism of Trafalgar Square, which commemorates the Battle of Trafalgar, and will link directly with Nelson’s column. It is also the first commission by a black British artist.
The ship's 37 large sails are made of exuberant and richly patterned textiles commonly associated with African dress and symbolic of African identity and independence. The history of the fabric reveals that they were inspired by Indonesian batik design, mass produced by the Dutch and sold to the colonies in West Africa. Tying together historical and global threads and traversing Oceans and Continents, the work considers the complexity of British expansion in trade and Empire, made possible through the freedom of the seas that Nelson’s victory provided.
Yinka Shonibare’s Ship in a Bottle has been commissioned by the... link-do-texto 

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