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sexta-feira, 18 de fevereiro de 2011

Ótimos sites sôbre vela - top ten 8


- Será que a curiosa leitora já percebeu que este, além de ser o blog da divina MAR, da inteligente VELA e do sagrado MEIO-AMBIENTE, é também o blog das séries? - Verdade, a maioria dos 780 posts já publicados pertencem a uma série.
- Por exemplo, este post aqui pertencerá à série top ten.
- Quer saber quais são os títulos e links dos posts anteriores?
- Veja!

- Fui garimpar no LoveToKnow nossa nova top ten.
- Meus limitados conhecimentos impedem-me de dizer, se os dez melhores sites sôbre VELA eleitos, foram bem escolhidos ou não.
- Deixo essa tarefa aos entendidos. Limitar-me-ei a citar três de que gosto muito e acesso com frequência. Os outros 7 vocês encontrarão aqui:


The currently available sailing publications and web sites are often filled with stories that are something less than insightful. Oh sure you can read from some expert on how to win every race that you've ever entered, but the real stories about people and events in this sport are either ignored or whitewashed. When was the last time your read an Editorial that didn't put you to sleep? Many boat reviews are nothing more than politically correct spin to ensure the advertising revenue is not jeopardized. It’s time to change all that. Sailing Anarchy will present topics, ideas and, critiques that have never been written about before. Anywhere.
But perhaps most importantly, we have a Message Board where robust discussions will be encouraged.

The online encyclopedia's entry for 'sailing' covers the basics, the history, hulls, racing, regulations and more, with many links to auxiliary related articles.

The Singlehanded Sailing Society provides a forum where sailors and others interested in the sport of singlehanded sailing can share their ideas and experiences. It is the intent of the SSS to make it possible for such sailors to compete in seaworthy sailing vessels of various types and designs on a fair and equitable basis. The races provide an organized arena in which ideas, equipment, designs, and vessels specifically created, built, modified, or equipped for long distance singlehanded racing may be tested and evaluated through friendly sportsmanlike competition. The development of personal skill in singlehanded sailing is encouraged through sailing events and seminars.

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