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quinta-feira, 24 de fevereiro de 2011

Já pensou em viver em "Atlantica", a nova Atlântida? - Atlântida 2


- Muito bom dia amigo leitor!
- Diga-me uma coisa, você que adora mergulhar em Arraial do Cabo...
- Já pensou em viver no fundo da divina MAR?
- Sim, sim, digo definitivamente...
- Nunca mais viver em meio ao caos infernal das cidades modernas..
- Voltar às origens!
- Pense nas delícias do mundo subaquático: silêncio, ausência de peso, penumbra, temperaturas agradáveis, lindas paisagens de sonho...
- Melhor só o útero materno...
- Mas o fundo dos oceanos é o útero da mãe Terra que, deveria chamar-se Água.
- Planeta ÁGUA.
- Água que é sinômino de VIDA.
- Virar literalmente um peixe...
- Só espero que os pescadores da Costa do Sol, não passem, rebocando uma rede de arrasto justamente em cima da sua nova casa.
- Fantasia?
- Não mesmo!
Existe um antigo engenheiro da Nasa criando uma nova Atlântida, que ele batizou de ATLANTICA.
- O nome do homem é Dennis Chamberland.
- Leia o texto abaixo.

Starting with the premise that nearly three quarters of our planet's largest biome have long remained invisible - and are increasingly endangered - the Atlantica project seeks "a human colony whose primary purpose it is to monitor and protect this most essential of all the earth's biomes. Soon, beneath the sea, families will live and work. Children will go to school. A new generation of children will be born there - the first citizens of a new ocean civilization whose most important purpose will be to continuously monitor and protect the global ocean environment."
Set to commence by next year, the first expedition will be initiated by the submersion of the Leviathan, a small underwater habitat that can house up to four people. He's not only certain that the colonization of the ocean floor is imminent; he's making it... CONTINUA EM link-do-texto.

There is a whole kingdom that lies uninhabited just beneath us.  While we live crowded and struggling on a mere 59 million square miles of dry land, this new territory of certain promise spreads out before our very eyes and unfolds to encompass an astonishing 138 million cubic miles of habitable space!  I am speaking of the oceans – whose human population is now and has always been - zero.  While there a few military men ply beneath the waves in submarines, they have no seafloor base to call home and they are always moving and temporary visitors without even a window from which to peer out. I am speaking of a human colony – a human undersea city – a permanent dwelling place for people and even families.  Today it is but fantasy, as it has always been.  But no more.  As of today, the dream of permanently settling the undersea regions of our earth has taken wings.This is the site of the Atlantica I and II Expeditions that will establish the first human undersea colony. We do not intent to... CONTINUA NO SITE OFICIAL DO PROJETO 

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