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sexta-feira, 15 de fevereiro de 2019

ISWA: In Defense of Science – Global Warming is Not an Opinion - Boas e más notícias sobre o Aquecimento Global (em tempo)

- Bom dia amigas e amigos leitores deste oceânico blog.

- Selecionei a matéria abaixo pra lermos juntos sobre o assunto mais importante e urgente do mundo.

- Aquecimento Global que ameça com morte próxima e violenta todas as espécies de vida sobre nosso planeta Terra.

Fernando Costa

ISWA: In Defense of Science – Global Warming is Not an Opinion

ISWA President Antonis Mavropoulos explains why ISWA and the waste management community will not stay neutral towards the efforts to deny or downplay climate change.

In recent years and presidencies, there have been hot debates about whether or not global warming is real. In my opinion, this is due to a large misconception as to what global warming is and the implications of its existence.

Global warming can be defined as a warming of the Earth due to high amounts of greenhouse gases being trapped in the Earth’s atmosphere. Greenhouse gases such as carbon dioxide help to keep heat in the Earth’s atmosphere. Therefore, when the amount of greenhouse gases produced rises, the amount of heat in the
atmosphere rises.

The first common misconception about global warming is that the impact of trapping heat in the atmosphere is low or minimal. For example, global warming has caused the surface temperature of the Earth to rise by almost two degrees Fahrenheit in the last century. While this may seem minimal, small changes have big effects on global weather. During the last ice age roughly 2,000 years ago, the global temperature was only 5 to 9 degrees Fahrenheit colder than the average temperature today. If 5 degrees is all it takes to maintain an ice age 2,000 years ago, imagine the adverse effects of a 2 degree increase in just 100 years.

If greenhouse gas emissions continue at their current rate over the next century, the Earth could experience devastating effects. This means your grandchildren could be dealing with droughts, heat waves, more frequent and intense hurricanes and storms and flooding. While 100 years does not seem immediate when considering an individual’s lifespan, it becomes all the more important to the survival of the human race.

The second common misconception surrounding global warming is that global warming is in part a natural occurrence and is not purely “man-made.” This is not true according to... LINK

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