- Smartphones usados por cientistas para monitorar movimentos migratórios causados por mudanças climáticas.
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- Com o auxílio do Google Tradutor converti o início do artigo para nosso português do Brasil.
- Mas quem estiver interessando na matéria original, em inglês, ela se encontra mais abaixo.
"Pesquisadores espanhóis desenvolveram um sistema que rastreia o deslocamento humano causado pela mudança climática usando os rastros de telefones celulares. Com este modelo, que foi testado durante uma severa seca na Colômbia em 2014, determinou-se que a parcela da população que migrou devido a esse evento foi de 10% durante os seis meses do estudo."
Fernando Costa
Smartphones used to track migrations caused by climate change
June 28, 2018
FECYT - Spanish Foundation for Science and Technology
Researchers have developed a system that tracks human displacement caused by climate change using the tracks of mobile phones. With this model, which was tested during a severe drought in Colombia in 2014, it was determined that the portion of the population that migrated due to this event was 10 percent during the six months of the study.
From the telephone signals of the migrants from La Guajira (Colombia), it was observed that they were displaced mainly to urban areas (in red).
Spanish researchers have developed a system that tracks human displacement caused by climate change using the tracks of mobile phones. With this model, which was tested during a severe drought in Colombia in 2014, it was determined that the portion of the population that migrated due to this event was 10% during the six months of the study.
Natural disasters such as earthquakes and floods cause sudden population movements, as people try to find safe areas or follow government instructions. These changes have already been captured and modelled using geo-located tweets or cell phone records.
Now, Spanish experts have applied the smartphone migration tracking system for the first time to a more long-term phenomenon such as climate change.
The study, in which Enrique Frías-Martínez, researcher at Telefónica Research, in Madrid, Spain, has participated, has used aggregated and encrypted cell phone metadata to predict the migration caused by a severe drought in 2014 in La Guajira, Colombia. La Guajira is a rural department located in... LINK
- Sabia dessa não.
- E vocês?
- Com o auxílio do Google Tradutor converti o início do artigo para nosso português do Brasil.
- Mas quem estiver interessando na matéria original, em inglês, ela se encontra mais abaixo.
"Pesquisadores espanhóis desenvolveram um sistema que rastreia o deslocamento humano causado pela mudança climática usando os rastros de telefones celulares. Com este modelo, que foi testado durante uma severa seca na Colômbia em 2014, determinou-se que a parcela da população que migrou devido a esse evento foi de 10% durante os seis meses do estudo."
Fernando Costa

Smartphones used to track migrations caused by climate change
June 28, 2018
FECYT - Spanish Foundation for Science and Technology
Researchers have developed a system that tracks human displacement caused by climate change using the tracks of mobile phones. With this model, which was tested during a severe drought in Colombia in 2014, it was determined that the portion of the population that migrated due to this event was 10 percent during the six months of the study.
From the telephone signals of the migrants from La Guajira (Colombia), it was observed that they were displaced mainly to urban areas (in red).
Spanish researchers have developed a system that tracks human displacement caused by climate change using the tracks of mobile phones. With this model, which was tested during a severe drought in Colombia in 2014, it was determined that the portion of the population that migrated due to this event was 10% during the six months of the study.
Natural disasters such as earthquakes and floods cause sudden population movements, as people try to find safe areas or follow government instructions. These changes have already been captured and modelled using geo-located tweets or cell phone records.
Now, Spanish experts have applied the smartphone migration tracking system for the first time to a more long-term phenomenon such as climate change.
The study, in which Enrique Frías-Martínez, researcher at Telefónica Research, in Madrid, Spain, has participated, has used aggregated and encrypted cell phone metadata to predict the migration caused by a severe drought in 2014 in La Guajira, Colombia. La Guajira is a rural department located in... LINK
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