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segunda-feira, 21 de maio de 2018

Forest Stewardship Council - 30 importantes ONGS que defendem o sagrado MEIO AMBIENTE 12

 Forest Stewardship Council


Certification from the FSC is essential for a green retailer to have genuine “eco cred”. Environmental labels and certifications are not globally standardized, but FSC is one you can trust. This non-governmental nonprofit was established to protect forests. Located in 46 countries, the FSC helps companies, governments and communities with proper forest management and
accredidation. Though there are many certifications in the green world, the FSC is the only one that:

    prohibits conversion of natural forests or other habitat around the world
    prohibits the use of highly hazardous pesticides around the world
    prohibits the cultivation of genetically modified trees (GMOs)
    respects the right of indigenous peoples around the world
    controls each certified operation at least once a year – and if they are found not to comply, the certificate is withdrawn
... LINK

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