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- Se você ainda não entendeu exatamente o que são MUDANÇAS CLIMÁTICAS, o porque elas ameaçam a sobrevivência de todas as espécies vivas sobre o planeta Terra, leia a ótima matéria abaixo que fui garimpar para nós lermos no site oficial do projeto
Road to Doha, um projeto exemplar que trabalha em prol do meio ambiente.
Fernando Costa
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An Introduction to Climate Change
Wissam Yassine
UPDATED – Climate change refers to the current changes in the Earth’s climate patterns due to the increase in greenhouse gases emitted by human activities. The driving force behind this pattern is an increase in the Earth’s surface and water temperature. In fact, over the last 130 years, the global average temperature of the planet rose by 0.8 °C. However, the impacts of this temperature increase on climate patterns in different regions varied widely (Figure 1).
National scientific bodies in all major countries agree that the cause behind global warming and climate change is the increasing concentration of greenhouse gases in the atmosphere due to human activities such as burning fossil fuels, deforestation, and growing livestock. Climate models have been created to forecast the expected increase in the average global temperatures over the coming years based on current and expected emission levels. These models show that the global average temperatures are expected to rise by up to 6 °C by 2100 if greenhouse gas emissions continue to rise as they have... LINK
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