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sexta-feira, 10 de junho de 2016

A DEATH BY A THOUSAND CUTS - 2016 - 30 excellents Hot Docs* about the Environment

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When the body of park ranger Eligio Eloy Vargas is found in the Dominican Republic's Sierra de Bahoruco National Park, his brutal murder sparks an intense investigation.


 It leads us deep into the illicit world of charcoal production run by Haitians coming across the
border into protected Dominican forests. 


With breathtaking cinematography, this
 powerful film presents the stark contrast of an island shared by two countries, revealing a Haitian side that's 
been completely deforested in glaring contrast to the Dominican's protected woodlands.


 But all is not what it seems. 


Exploring the complex socio-political issues and tensions between the two nations—including border unrest, scapegoating and xenophobia fueled by the recent... LINK

Leia uma explicação para esta série de 30 posts clicando aqui.

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