Al Gore’s An Inconvenient Truth May Be Getting a Sequel
Remember An Inconvenient Truth, the Al Gore documentary about global warming? Well, the Oscar-winning film might be getting a sequel, according to The Hollywood Reporter, because the producers of the original film are in talks to once again raise public awareness about the dangers of
global warming.
Lawrence Bender, one of the documentary’s producers, said, “We have had conversations… We’ve met; we’ve discussed. If we are going to make a movie, we want it to have an impact.” Laurie David, an environmental activist who also produced the film, believes that they really should do a sequel.
“God, do we need one,” she says. “Everything in that movie has come to pass. At the time we did the movie, there was Hurricane Katrina; now we have extreme weather events every other week. The update has to be incredible and shocking.”
So possibly coming to a theater near you soon… An Inconvenient Truth 2: This Time It’s a Little More... LINK
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