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sexta-feira, 21 de março de 2014

Portuguese Jews who were victims of the Inquisition - Cape Verde by Wikipedia 21

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Ilha de São Vicente - Cabo Verde - 2014 - photo by Fernando Costa


Demographics 1/3

The majority of the population is creole (mixed black and white descent). 

A genetic study revealed that the ancestry of the population in Cape Verde is predominantly European in the male line and West African in the female line; counted together the percentage is 56% African and 44% European.

Later foreigners from
all over the world settled in Cape Verde, including from Asia, South America and other countries in Europe.

 The Cape Verde archipelago was uninhabited when the Portuguese discovered it in 1456.

 African slaves were brought to the islands to work on Portuguese plantations. 

As a result, Cape Verdeans are mulattos (mestiços in Portuguese), who have mixed African and European origins. 

European ancestors also include Spanish and Italian seamen who were granted land by the Portuguese Empire, followed by Portuguese settlers, exiles, and Portuguese Jews who were victims of the Inquisition.  LINK

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