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domingo, 1 de setembro de 2013

What A Way To Go: Life at the end of Empire - 2007 - TDF - 30 ótimos documentários (vídeos) sobre o MEIO AMBIENTE - 1

What A Way To Go: Life at the end 
of Empire



Tim Bennett, middle-class white guy, started waking up to the global environmental nightmare in the mid-1980s. But life was so busy with raising kids and pursuing the American dream that he never got around to acting on his concerns. Until now Bennett journeys from complacency to consciousness in his feature-length documentary, What a Way To Go: Life at the End of Empire. He reviews his Midwestern roots, ruthlessly examines the stories he was

raised with, and then details the grim realities humans now face: escalating climate change, resource shortages, degraded ecosystems, an exploding global population and teetering global economies.
Bennett identifies and calls into question the fundamental assumption that has led to this unprecedented crisis in human history: that humans were destined to dominate the rest of the community of life with the Culture of Empire. He pushes the dialogue where Al Gore did not go.
Powerful interviews with well-known authors including Daniel Quinn, Derrick Jensen and Richard Heinberg, and noted scientists William Schlesinger and Stuart Pimm, fill in some important pieces. Scathing and humorous use of... read more on TDF.


"SEA levels rising and big cities sinking. As OCEAN currents halt and superstorms gust, deserts expand and rabbits run and locusts horde and army ants march and mosquitoes hunt and rodents overrun."


The glaciers are melting. The SEA ice is melting. You know, the polar ice caps
are basically melting.


So… greenhouse gases on the rise. Temperature on the rise. More floods. More

droughts. Rising SEA level. It’s been in the news for some time now. How does this

impact the community of life?


You know the polar ice melting, which is opening huge areas of SEA in the polar

regions. Without that ice, which normally reflects sunlight, that polar SEA is now

going to be absorbing a lot more sunlight and, therefore, heat.


But it’s hard to sail alone, when the SEAS rage so fiercely. If you sail with me, we shall both be made stronger. And when others join us, then our crew will be made strong indeed.





Leia uma introdução a esta série de posts aqui.

2 comentários:

  1. La prise de conscience individuelle est aujourd'hui est le seul tremplin qui permet de créer un sursaut collectif contre le désastre écologique programmé à plus ou moins brève échéance... The only way to go si l'on veut sauver encore un petit peu notre merveilleuse planète bleue, tellement bafouée, hélas...

  2. Oui, Nuit de Mai, tu as peut-être raison, mais je pense que la majorité des gens sont tellement éloignées de cette prise de conscience individuelle, dont tu parles, que c'est déjà trop tard pour sauver la planète du chaos total qui l'attend dans un futur proche. Mais peut-être que je me trompe. Peut-être que mon pessimisme est exagéré. Peut-être que l'auteur de cet excellent documentaire a encore raison d'attendre un miracle quand il dit : "If you sail with me, we shall both be made stronger. And when others join us, then our crew will be made strong indeed." Moi, je crois que la deuxième moitié du XXIème siècle sera insupportable. Je pense enfin que la vie sur Terre a été bonne seulement entre 1950 et 2000. Avant c'était trop dur et après ce sera beaucoup trop dur. Nous avons eu donc de la chance en quelque sorte, non ?


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