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domingo, 15 de setembro de 2013

Introduction to Permaculture Design - 2009 - TDF - 30 ótimos documentários (vídeo) sobre o MEIO AMBIENTE - 15

Introduction to Permaculture Design



Permaculture is a system for sustainable living on Earth that benefits all creatures and supplies all the needs of humanity.
Present systems are failing miserably: resource depletion, water storage, degraded landscape, food shortage, climate change.
All these things are negative and we don’t need to focus on them completely, but we need to look at how we can positively design our way out of this problem.
How we can come up with solutions that will supply all our
needs, benefit the environment, and create absolute abundance. A designed system that gives you a positive view on the future, something that you can engage in and feel meaningful.
Based on the 72-hour Permaculture Design Certificate Course as devised by Bill Mollison, join Geoff Lawton as he takes you into the world of Permaculture Design and introduces you to a new way of looking at the world.
Learn how to apply your design skills by observing, analyzing and harmonizing with the patterns of Nature. Discover the theory and then see the examples in action in this... read more on TDF.

Leia uma introdução a esta série de posts aqui.

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