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quarta-feira, 21 de março de 2012

Matt Rutherford - Mahi-Mahi is one of the only fish that mate for life

- Curious to read my last comment on Matt Rutherford's blog, dear reader ?
- Yes?
- Here, it is!



Here is a second couple of quotes to our collection, dear friends !

Congratulations for this tasty and romantic piece of text Matt !

Beautiful, exciting, unforgettable !

“So I see this Mahi two feet away just swimming alongside the boat. I grab the bow and pull back my arrow, just then the sun comes out from behind a cloud and the fish became the most beautiful color of blue. I stopped for a second and began to
think twice about killing such a beautiful creature. Then a second Mahi popped up next to the first. Mahi-Mahi is one of the only fish that mate for life – I’m not saying a fish can fall in love, but once together they are inseparable until death. All of a sudden I realized that if I killed this fish then the other one would spend its life roaming the ocean alone. I know what that feels like and I couldn’t bring myself to kill it. Man I must be getting soft if I can’t even kill a fish. Then again I had just ate and I usually don’t fish on a full stomach. ”

Matt Rutherford – “Solo Around the America’s” – 2012

“The Spray’s next companion of the voyage was a swordfish, that swam alongside, showing its tall fin out of the water, till I made a stir for my harpoon, when it hauled its black flag down and disappeared. September 30, at half-past eleven in the morning, the Spray crossed the equator in longitude 29 degrees 30′ W. At noon she was two miles south of the line. The southeast trade-winds, met, rather light, in about 4 degrees N., gave her sails now a stiff full sending her handsomely over the sea toward the coast of Brazil, where on October 5, just north of Olinda Point, without further incident, she made the land, casting anchor in Pernambuco harbor about noon: forty days from Gibraltar, and all well on board. Did I tire of the voyage in all that time? Not a bit of it! I was never in better trim in all my life, and was eager for the more perilous experience of rounding the Horn.

Joshua Slocum – “Sailing Alone Around the World” – 1900

Good Winds Matt !

Good eternal winds master Joshua !

Fernando Costa, from Cabo Frio, Brazil

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