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sexta-feira, 21 de outubro de 2011

Walking on the sea bed - Human Planet - BBC

Two and a half minutes on one breath. Filmed underwater in real-time for Human Planet, Bajau fisherman, Sulbin, freedives to 20 metres to catch his supper. LINK


With sea levels rising, can humans adapt to a more watery world? The Bajau people of South-East Asia live in stilt houses and fish underwater for up to five minutes on one breath. What does this do to the

Take a deep breath in - how long until the urge to gasp for air becomes too much? Perhaps it comes after 30 or 40 seconds.
But the bodies of habitual freedivers, who hold their breath for minutes at a time, can change to be better adapted to the water.
The Bajau people, sometimes known as the sea gypsies of Malaysia and Indonesia, are renowned natural freedivers. Traditionally, they are born, live and die at sea, and fish by diving 20m (more than 65ft) underwater for minutes at a time on one breath.
At this depth, water pressure is almost three times what it is on the surface, squeezing lungs already deprived of oxygen.
Filmed underwater in real time for the BBC's Human Planet, Bajau fisherman Sulbin demonstrates his techniques off the east coast of Sabah, Borneo. Wearing hand-made wooden goggles and armed with a... LINK

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