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segunda-feira, 30 de maio de 2011

Barcos na Maré Baixa - Pintura

Pintura da suculenta galeria do Museu Nacional Marítimo da Inglaterra pro amigo leitor saborear.

                            Beached Fishing Boats at Low Tide, Villerville

A painting showing two fishing boats beached at Villerville, a little fishing village west of Honfleur, France. They are waiting for the tide to lift them off the narrow beach. The larger vessel is probably a Le Havre trawler. Two men with fishing baskets stand in the shallows, probably looking for mussels, and a third is working on the side of the boat in the shallows. A fourth man works on the boat with his back to the viewer. Other shipping can be seen on the horizon. The artist has created an image of calm and...LINK 

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