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segunda-feira, 11 de abril de 2011

Paradisíacas ilhas do Pacífico - vídeo - post reciclado

 If You Were Here Tonight

The colors of the trees
They start to alter me
The flowers at the beach
Such beauty life is for me
Refreshing from the sea
A raindrop falling on me
A glaze from a rainbow
A colourful anecdote

You are my sunshine
My absolute divine
I'm trying to reach you
Reach you in my mind
If you were here tonight
Imagine now, what life would be like
If you were here with me
Imagine now, how life could be

The smell of your skin
The woman within
No matter where I look
Our future looks so good

You are my sunshine
My absolute divine
I'm trying to reach you
Reach you in my mind
If you were here tonight
Imagine now, what life would be like
If you were here with me
Imagine now, how life could be

Steen Thottrup 

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