- Acabo de fazer uma longa pesquisa na net, sobre a catástrofe nuclear japonesa e selecionei pra vocês, prezados leitores, o que encontrei de melhor: mais claro, mais bem redigido, mais bem editado.
- Querem apostar quanto comigo, que vocês irão apreciar a qualidade dos links abaixo?
- Coragem pra longa reconstrução Japão!
PRIMEIRO MINISTRO DO JAPÃO***** - Última mensagem ( 25/3/2011) do primeiro ministro do Japão, Naoto Kan, acompanhada de respostas a três importantes perguntas. Texto + vídeo. LINK
- Two weeks have now passed since the earthquake struck. I extend once again my most sincere condolences to the many people who have been suffering from this disaster.
The government is currently engaged in all-out efforts to address two challenges. The first of these is bringing the incident at the Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear Power Station under control and responding thoroughly to radioactive contamination. The second is providing assistance to the disaster victims, and in addition, transitioning into full-scale preparations for reconstruction.
First, I will speak about the Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear Power Station. I would like to express my... LINK
THE WASHINGTON POST - WAPO***** - Para quem quiser compreender a causas e consequências da falência da Usina nuclear japonesa de Fukushina. Mais claro impossível! LINK
Japan’s nuclear emergency - Damage at nuclear plants made leaking radiation the primary threat facing a country just beginning to grasp the scale of devastation from the earthquake and tsunami. LINK
THE OIL DRUM*****- Forum de debates de alto nível sobre a crise nuclear no Japão, com 250 comentários atualmente. Antes, o meu favorito era o do jornal Le Monde. LINK
With no buildings blowing up at Fukushima for a couple of weeks now, global media attention has shifted back to Libya where there is lots of violence to watch. Does this mean that trouble at the 4 wrecked reactors on the East coast of Japan is over?
With the restoration of mains power to the site, there is talk in the media that the situation is now under control. The rate of deterioration has certainly slowed, but there are five slow-burning issues, one working in favor of the authorities and four working against, that will determine the... LINK
FOLLOWINGS.EU***** - Fluxo de twitters (Live stream tweets) sobre Fukushima. LINK
Último twitter lido e traduzido por mim.
- Tem de ser rápido, viu? Chegando um novo twitter por segundo neste momento.
"RockyII RT @wayne_hay: Residentes de Fukushima que estão sendo evacuados de suas casas dizem que o governo não lhes dá nenhuma informação sobre a crise nuclear."
SLIDESHARE***** - Situação atual dos reatores da usina nuclear de Fukushima. Mais claro impossível! LINK
RT***** - Último vídeo sobre Fukushina (oito minutos atrás). LINK
Follow latest updates at http://twitter.com/rt_com and http://www.facebook.com/RTnews Radiation levels in the sea near Japan's Fukushima nuclear plant have spiked to more than 1,000 times the norm. It's been over two weeks now since the devastating earthquake and tsunami which caused the accident at the facility. The official death toll from the disaster stands at over 10,000 people, with many more missing or homeless. Emergency teams are still struggling to control the situation at the stricken Fukushima nuclear plant. Several workers sustained... LINK
NATURAL NEWS***** - Engenheiro que trabalhou na construção de Fukushima confessa publicamente ato criminoso que poderia ter comprometido a estanqueidade do reator n° 4. LINK
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