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segunda-feira, 7 de fevereiro de 2011

Os multicascos de Ted Warren - construção naval


Conversando o outro dia com meu amigo Benno Sakumé Grapentin, que sempre me ensina algo de importante sobre o BARCO À VELA e a arte zen de VELEJAR, ele falou-me do Ted Warren.
Ted Warren constrói multicascos e eu gosto mais dos monocascos. Mas como imagino que muitos de vocês gostem mais de multicascos que de monocascos, pesquisei Ted Warren na net e encontrei seu site ao final deste suculento diretório de links.

A fórmula do Ted Warren é Engenharia excelente + Matéria prima High tech  + Criatividade + Simplicidade = Breakthrough Sailing.

Interessante. Leiam mais!


 Ted Warren of Warren Multihulls has been designing, building and successfully racing multihulls for several years.  His designs have graduated to what is now cutting edge in racing sailboats under 40 feet.  The Warren 32 Carbon Series.  The W32cs design was from conception, to be built of carbon fiber.  Materials and design complimenting each other toward the goals of speed and strength.  Design parameters also included the ability to compete in the market place, producing a safe and comfortable platform for its... link-do-texto



A multihull is a ship, vessel, craft or boat with more than one hull.
Multihulls include: Proas, which have two differently shaped or sized hulls with lateral symmetry; catamarans, which have two hulls with longitudinal symmetry; and trimarans, which have a main hull in the center and symmetric stabilizing hulls on either side.
These types of boats have several advantages compared to single-hull boats. The increased distance between the center of gravity and the center of buoyancy provide higher stability compared to boats with a single hull. This allows multihulls to have narrower hulls and thus substantially less wave-forming resistance, which in turn results in greater speed without applying more effort.
In the case of boats under sail, stability serves to hold the vessel upright against the sideways force of the wind on the sails. This stability is provided in multihulls by the weight of the boat itself, in contrast to monohull sailcraft which typically use an underwater counterweight, a ballasted keel for this purpose, especially on larger sailboats. Multihull sailboats are typically much wider than the equivalent monohull, which allows them to carry no ballast, and the reduced weight also makes them faster than... link-do-texto

Um comentário:

  1. - Só agora me dei conta que o Benno Sakumé falou-me do James Wharram e não do Ted Warren.


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