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domingo, 8 de abril de 2018

Museum tomorrow in Rio de Janeiro - Experiment - voando com as asas de Svet, a Iluminada 8

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Museum tomorrow in Rio de Janeiro

"- The main exhibition

Divided into rooms with little games - tests . Here you need knowledge of the Portuguese, then you can try on your own daily contribution to the pollution of the planet, to find out how many people will live in the

land after 25, 50 or 100 years in some parts of the world. View other statistical data comparing the environmental, demographic and other indicators worldwide. 

visual composition

Everything is clear without words. I remember a room of life of every human event photos from different parts of the world. Funeral, wedding, laughter, war initiation, relgioznye ceremony, etc. from tribal societies to the civilized countries - faces, clothes .. look into the eyes of all colors and shapes in the photograph - is fascinating and makes us think about the wheel of samsara ..

Dancing hall tissue - the classical music dancing in the air, freely floating air soft tissue. Words are not necessary - just


" - Você já foi ao Museu do amanhã amiga leitora?

- Não?

- Então vá.

- Porque?

- Porque vale a pena, mesmo que sua alma seja pequena.

- Porque?

- Porque ele tornou-se o museu mais visitado do Brasil.
 mas antes leia tudo o que Svet, a preclara Russa Iluminada disse a respeito.

- E se sobrar um tempinho leiam também o que eu escrevi a respeito, pouco depois de tê-lo visitado em 13 de julho de 2016.

Fernando Costa

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