Plastic pollution is suffocating our oceans, and leading to the destruction of multiple species of fish. One of the largest producers of plastic bottles - Coca-Cola - has promised to take steps to curb this environmental crisis. Are these empty promises or is Coke really dedicated to enacting meaningful change? The DW Documentary series takes this major corporation to task in Plastic Tide: Choking on
Across their various beverage brands, Coca-Cola sells over 400 million plastic bottles every year, and as many as 10% of these bottles will end their life span on the ocean floor. As we witness in the earliest moments of the film, much of these plastic remnants are consumed by unsuspecting sea life.
Coca-Cola believes they have a solution. Promoting a "World without Waste", they envision a future of indefinite recycling. Historically, however, large organizations like Coke have shirked responsibility for the pollution epidemic. Instead, through overwhelmingly popular advertising campaigns like "Keep America Beautiful", they have aimed their critical finger squarely at the consumer. It's not the sheer amount of plastic bottles they produce that contributes to pollution, they claim, but the carelessness of those who... LINK
Directed by: Sandrine Rigaud
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